4Sight Holdings Limited (4Sight) is a public company listed on the “JSE” AltX incorporated on 29 June 2017 in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Mauritius, specifically for the listing of
the 4Sight Group on 19 October 2017.
As a multinational, diversified technology group, our purpose is to leverage our portfolio of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies, people and data-focused solutions to design, develop, deploy and grow solutions for our partners, including both customers and technology vendors. We accelerate our partners’ digital journey, with an approach that enables an organisation wide transformation. Our approach enables
data and new technologies to amplify an organisation’s workforce to thrive in the modern digital economy. Digital transformation is a journey that any organisation undertakes and is not something that happens overnight.
We assist our customers and partners first to understand where they currently are on this journey and then how to progress with the correct technology applied to the next levels.
4sight.cloud | +27 126 402 600 | Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa